4.ELECTRICITY - Choose the correct answer

UNIT.4.ELECTRICITY -Choose the correct answer.

1) 1Ampere is given as.
(a) 1C x 1s (b) 1C / 1s (c) 1S / 1C (d) None of the above
2) A 110 W, 220 V bulb draws a current.
(a) 2A (b) 440 A (c) 0.5 A (d) 5.5 A
3) A bird sitting on an uninsulated wire carrying a current feels quite safe because
(a) the bird is non conductor of electricity  (b) resistance of the  bird is very large
(c) there is a large potential difference between bird and wire
(d) there is no potential difference  between bird and wire
4) A complete electric circuit is called as
(a) Open (b) Short (c) Closed (d) Complete
5) A complete electric circuit is called_____ circuit.
(a) open (b) closed (c) complete (d) none of these
6) A heating element used in the electric iron box and the electric heater is
(a) Tungsten (b) Nichrome (c) Lead (d) All the above
7) A parallel circuit consist of three resistors with values of 430, 210 and 100. The total resistance is
(a) 0.017 ohm (b) 58.82 ohm (c) 58.82 kilo ohm (d) None of the above
8) A series circuit consists of three resistors with values of 140, 250 and 220. The total resistance is
(a) 330 (b) 610 (c) 720 (d) None of the above
9) A short circuit has
(a) Non resistance (b) No conductance (c) Low current (d) None of the above
10) A small wire presents inside the bulb is called
(a) Conductor (b) Filament (c) Insulator (d) None of the above
11) According to Joule's heating effect, the law of current is
(a) 1H2 (b) HI2 (c) H I (d) both (b) and (c)
12) According to Ohm's law if voltage increase and resistance stays the same
(a) Resistance decreases (b) Current increases (c) Current remains the same (d) Current decreases
13) All good conductors have high
(a) Resistance (b) Specific resistance (c) Voltage (d) None of the above
14) Choose the correct statement
(a) Nichrome has low resistance and high melting point
(b) Fuse wire has high resistance and low melting point
(c) Nichrome has high resistance and low melting point
(d) Fuse wire has low resistance and high melting point
15) Choose the incorrect statement:
(a) A switch is the source of electric current in a circuit.
(b) A switch help to complete or break the circuit.
(c) A switch help us to use electricity as per requirement
(d) When the switch is open there is an air gap between its terminals
16) Conductance is expressed in terms of:
(a) mho (b) ohm/m (c) ohm (d) mho/m
17) Conductivity is the ________ of resistivity.
(a) opposite (b) reciprocal (c) equal (d) none of the above
18) Direction of conventional current is from:
(a) Negative terminal to positive terminal (b) In both the directions (c) Positive terminal to negative terminal (d) None of the above
19) Electric iron box and electric heater works on the principle of
(a) heating effect of current (b) heating effect of voltage (c) heating effect of power
 (d) heating effect of emf
20) Fuse wire
(a) low melting point (b) has high resistance (c) has low resistance (d) both (a) & (b)
21) Give the name of components which is designed to oppose the flow of current.
(a) Capacitor (b) Resistors (c) Fuse wire (d) Inductor
22) How many terminals an electric bulb consist of?
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 1
23) If one of the resistors in a parallel circuit is removed, the total resistance will be
(a) Doubled (b) Decreases (c) Increases (d) Constant
24) If resistance decreases, then current will
(a) increase (b) double (c) decrease (d) constant
25) If resistance of a wire is r ohms and wire is stretched to double its length, then what is its resistance?
(a) r (b) 2r (c) 4r (d) r/2

26) If the resistance in a series circuit doubles, total current will be
(a) doubles (b) halved (c) same (d) Increases
27) If there are two bulbs i.e lS0W bulb and 60W bulb so which has more resistance?
(a) 60 W (b) 150 W (c) Both a and b (d) None of the above
28) If two unequal resistors connected in parallel then.
(a) The voltage is same in both resistor
(b) The current is same in both resistor
(c) The voltage is larger in one of the resistor
(d) The current is large in one of the resistor
29) In parallel combination, resistance decrease due to increase in
(a) Area of cross section (b) Voltage (c) Length (d) Current
30) In the following arrangement, the bulb will not glow of the ends A & B are connected with
(a) steel spoon (b) metal clip (c) plastic clip (d) copper wire
31) In which one of the following heating effect the current is undesirable?
(a) electric iron (b) electric motor (c) fuse wire (d) electric bulb
32) Kilowatt - hour is the unit of
(a) Power (b) Potential difference (c) Force (d) Electrical energy
33) The amount of work done in joules when one unit electric charges moves from one point to another point in an electric
circuit is called.
(a) Resistance (b) Potential difference (c) Current (d) charge
34) The device which easily doses or opens an electric circuit is called as:
(a) Switch (b) Cell (c) Key (d) Bulb
35) The electric current in a closed circuit always flows from the ________ terminal of the electric cell to ___________ terminal.
(a) -ve to +ve (b) +ve to -ve (c) +ve to +ve (d) none
36) The expression for the heat is
(a) H=VIt (b) H=I2Rt (c) H = VR2 t (d) all the above
37) The heat produced in time is
(a) H = IVt (b) VtI = H (c) H=VIt (d) H = Vit

38) The number of electrons in one coulomb of charge is
(a) 1.6 x 1019 (b) 6.25 x 1018 (c) 1.13 X 1011 (d) 8.85 x 1012
39) The relation between potential difference (V) and current (I) is:
(a) V αI (b) VαI2 (c) Vα I I (d) None of the above
40) The relation between potential difference (V) and current (I) was discovered by:
(a) Volt (b) Ohm (c) Newton (d) Ampere
41) The resistance of a conductor directly proportional to
(a) Length (b) Area (c) Volt (d) Current
42) The resistance of a conductor is inversely proportional to its _______.
(a) Volt (b) Length (c) Area (d) None of above
43) The resistance of material depends on.
(a) Temperature (b) Length of conductor (c) Area of cross-section (d) All the above
44) The S1 unit of power is
(a) joule (b) ampere (c) Watt (d) ohm
45) What does a switch do?
(a) Oppose the current (b) Open and close the circuit (c) Provide current (d) Store the energy
46) What happens to current and resistance if the voltage is doubled?
(a) Current doubles and resistance doubles
(b) Current doubles and resistance is halved
(c) Current remains the same and resistance doubles
(d) Current doubles and resistance remains the same
47) What happens when ammeter connected in parallel?
(a) Open circuited (b) Closed Circuited (c) Short circuited (d) None of the above
48) When one of three series resistors is removed from a circuit and the circuit is reconnected the current
(a) increase by half (b) increases (c) decreases by half (d) none of the above
49) When will be the current flow in a circuit?
(a) A switch is closed (b) A switch is opened (c) Switch is either open or closed (d) None of the above
50) Which is considered to be the common reference for a parallel circuit?
(a) Current (b) Resistance (c) Power (d) Voltage

51) Which of following relation is correct for voltage, work done and charge?
(a) V=WxQ (b) W=VxQ (c) V = Q 1W (d) W = V / Q
52) Which of the following laboratory apparatus is used during the verification of Ohm's law?
(a) Voltmeter (b) Ammeter (c) Rheostat (d) All the above
53) Which of the following produces large joule heating effect?
(a) 1A current through 2Ω resister for 3 seconds
(b) 1A current through 3Ω resistor for 2 seconds
(c) 2A current through 1Ω resistor for 2 seconds
(d) 3A current through 1Ω resistor for 1 second
54) Why are copper wires used as connecting wires?
(a) Low resistivity (b) Low conductivity (c) High Resistivity (d) Both A and B
55) Why battery is used in the circuit?
(a) Measure Current (b) Maintain a potential difference (c) Oppose the current (d) Measure potential